We are happy to announce the CA2RE Glasgow 2022, the 13th CA2RE conference and meeting
Arguably Design driven research requires a Framing and Reframing of research territories, methodologies, behaviours and thinking more than other fields of research activity.
This demands shifts and changes in the researchers approach, dynamic and agile operations, speculative and experimental thinking, risk taking and states of vulnerability and well as assurance. Aligned with the opportunities and multiple paths design and creative practices offer, design driven research requires its own activities, sensibilities, tactics and forms of dissemination to be true to its nature(s).
The resulting research journeys and trajectories provide experience and testament to the processes involved, the insights gained and the new knowledge with emerges, although equally rigorous and robust, can follow new and other forms, to be shared, interrogated and embraced.
CA2RE Glasgow: Framing and Reframing offers the opportunity to take a deep dive into these continuous threads, multiple standpoints and related perspectives, ambiguities and contradictions through sharing recent research work in progress and research findings.
As an evolving community for artistic and architectural research itself, The Glasgow School of Art welcomes you to share your perspective, experience and thinking this October.